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What to build a house from? Brick and timber are expensive. Aerated concrete is also not the cheapest option. But what happens if you make blocks of grass-roots material? Literally. Cut the bricks from the soil. This material has long been used in construction. It is called a soil block.

How the soil block is made

Soil walls can be found in different countries. Of course, the optimal conditions would be a relatively dry and warm climate. For example, Ukrainian huts-huts, this is a direct analogue of a structure made of soil. His closest relative. The soil block is easy to handle, it is inexpensive. The main thing is that you can make it yourself if you know the parameters of mixing the soil mass.

In production, there are two types of making blocks from soil.:

  • Plastic. In this case, loamy or clayey soil is used. Water is added to it, gradually kneading the resulting solution until a thick dough. The finished batch is diluted with stabilizers. They can also add a little grass cut, sawdust for better reinforcement of the material. Such blocks are left to "reach". Humus ferments in solution, releasing plastic substances. After that, the blocks are shaped using the mechanisms of clay mills with a special mouthpiece. The finished bricks are dried naturally.
  • Semi-dry. In this method, soil with a high content of clay particles is used as the base material. Stabilizers and water are added to it. The resulting solution is kneaded to the state of a thick porridge, so that the mixture contains about 10 - 15% water. After that, the blocks are formed using strong compaction in special machines. The blocks are dried in the open sun.

The finished products are stored under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area.

Types of soil blocks

They can be divided into two conditional groups:

  • Easy. Weight about 1200-1600 kg in 1 m / 3. These blocks are made from clay soil, with the addition of organic filler.
  • Heavy. Weight is about 1600-2000 kg in 1 m / 3. Dense blocks with little or no organic fiber. In terms of thermal conductivity properties, they are similar to ordinary bricks.

Another classification according to the degree of water resistance:

  • eroded;
  • indelible;
  • waterproof.

The first two types must be protected from direct exposure to moisture, precipitation, and capillary suction. It is better to cover them with protective materials. The erasable and indelible block is frost-resistant. The first block, in principle, cannot be used in open areas, only in interior decoration. The second type of blocks cannot be laid in the structure of the basement floor, foundation, window sill rows.

Cons of soil blocks

Cons of soil blocks:

  • Weak strength. From 10-20 kg / cm2. Suitable for building houses with 2 floors maximum.
  • Low strength. The block loses its strength 10 to 20 times when exposed to moisture.
  • Drying shrinkage, deformation due to moisture ingress.
  • Weak frost resistance.

However, people continue to build houses from this material. Some families fully live in houses from a soil block, and pass them on by inheritance.

Pluses of soil blocks

The biggest plus of this material is its cheapness. The soil block can be made literally from what is under your feet. At the same time, you do not need to have any serious skills in construction.

Important advantages of soil blocks are also their good energy efficiency and impact on the human body (clay purifies the air and maintains an optimal level of moisture in the room).

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