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Clay blocks are increasingly being used for sustainable construction. Some believe that this material has outlived its usefulness, this opinion is a delusion. The construction of adobe houses requires minimal financial investment. This option is great for people on a modest budget.

The production of blocks is carried out independently using the KSM machine. The technology of their masonry is no different from the classical technology of block construction.

Important! In the production of lightweight material, the density of which is less than 500-600 kg per cubic meter, it must be dried.

Characteristics of adobe blocks

Finely ground clay is a good astringent and preservative. Diluting it with water and adding a filler to the solution, for example, plant fibers or sawdust, makes it possible to obtain an environmentally friendly heat-insulating material. This mixture is often used to fill voids in cinder blocks and expanded clay concrete blocks, or as a sealing plaster.

The inclusion in the composition of gypsum, lime or cement provides excellent strength characteristics. The mixture can be used as a load-bearing material in the construction of sustainable buildings.

The bulk density of the material is influenced by the ratio of ingredients. The optimal indicator is considered to be 500-600 kg per cubic meter. m.

The advantages of adobe blocks include:

  • Creating an optimal indoor climate.
  • Good heat storage.
  • Reusability.
  • Protection of wood and other organic materials from decay.
  • High fire safety (compressed straw can only smolder).

Why is it worth building a house out of clay?

Clay has the ability to quickly absorb and synthesize moisture. At times it surpasses classical building materials in this parameter. And this does not affect its strength in any way.

The ability to accumulate heat allows you to create comfortable conditions in the home, regardless of the daily temperature drops outside. In the cold season, heating adobe houses does not require large resources. They have good sound insulation - outside sounds from the street practically do not penetrate into the premises. Their construction takes a minimum amount of time.

This material is ideal for building houses with your own hands. When laying it, there is no need to use special machinery and expensive equipment. Even beginners can easily master the technology of working with it.

Clay protects wood and other organic materials from decay. When processing wooden machines with it, you can provide them with reliable protection from fungus and insects.

Clay has an inherent ability to cleanse the air space and absorb pollutants.

The advantages of the material include its low cost, the construction turns out to be economical.

Clay goes well with wood - wood in the clay is "preserved" and becomes resistant to biological corrosion.

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